Thank you for your interest in the

Second Viatitude Health User Test

We have learned a lot in our First User Test - but clearly we want to know more! We are now preparing the Second User Test as we want to make absolutely sure that the App we build will provide the functionality that users want and need!

Viatitude Health will provide technology that will help the user build brain-healthy habits, by  providing them with tailored guidance on Nutrition & Lifestyle choices to improve their brain health now and reduce their Alzheimer's Disease risk later in life.

We are looking for Test Participants that meet the following criteria:

 1. Cognitively healthy Males and Females, 35 to 59 years old, living in the UK  
2. Have personal experience with Alzheimer's through a family member, friend, being a carer, and/or having tested positive for a risky gene variant such as APOE 4 
3. Using Wearables such as Apple Watch, Oura Ring, Fitbit, Garmin Watch, Continuous Glucose Monitor etc - and are happy to feed back their readings on sleep, stress, physical activity, heart rate, blood glucose etc on regular basis.
4. Are available for the occasional short video feedback call

If you meet these criteria, kindly complete the below contact form. 
You will receive the link to a Questionnaire where you can fill in your User Profile. 
The questionnaire will take approximately 7 minutes to complete.


By supplying my email address here I agree that Viatitude Health Ltd may store my email address for the purposes of sending me guidance messages as part of this User Test, in accordance with the Terms & Conditions.

I can revoke my consent at any time

The process of the Second User Test is as follows:
a) You fill in the User Profile questionnaire, so we can understand your habits and lifestyle.
b) You will receive a weekly email with ​Brain Healthy Nutrition & Lifestyle guidance, tailored to your User Profile. 
c) You are requested to feedback readings from your wearables on a weekly basis (on ​sleep, heart rate, physical activity, blood glucose etc) and to be available for occasional short feedback calls.

This test started in February 2024 and will take 6 weeks.

Please contact us anytime if you have any questions or if you'd still like to join.